When it comes to your business, anything that slows it down needs to be fixed or replaced. Most business owners will do whatever it takes to achieve efficiency in the workplace. That’s only if it will boost the work culture, create efficient standards, and falls in the budget. One element that may be hindering you, and you don’t even know it, is old cabling. With technology ever changing, this can be why old cable is slowing down your business.
There is a tremendous shift in the ICT industry, which is the rise of M2M (machine to machine) communication and the IoT (Internet of Things). The number of connected devices have doubled the Earth’s population a few years ago, and only growing. However, just because there is constantly new technology on the horizon, that doesn’t mean that it’s always better or functioning flawlessly. The Internet plays a substantial role in business nowadays, which is directly affected by the cabling you choose for the workplace.
Cables to Choose From:
Bandwidth (the Internet access speed you’re able to acquire) is something you must consider in a small to medium-sized business. How many users will be on your network? How often will data-heavy functions like video conferencing occur? How often will employees be accessing cloud-based apps? The list of questions can continue, but in the end you have to choose what’s best for your company’s needs and functionality. Don’t get caught in the rut of bandwidth issues that can slow down your productivity and waste everyone’s time. Something simple like cabling can even result in loss of sales, which can be why old cable is slowing down your business. In order to avoid your business from crumbling or slowing down to a complete halt, you need the best material for your needs.
You have three basic materials to choose from:
- Copper
- Fiber
- Wireless
Over 100 years ago the telephone’s technology was dominated by copper cabling. For voice signal, copper is perfect. However, we don’t live in that time period anymore, where the telephone is the sole way of communicating. Though copper offers limited bandwidth, it is a great option for those in rural areas because it’s already available (with telephone wires) and is less expensive for network devices to connect. Cabling standards are constantly being updated, so copper isn’t a complete lost cause.
Fiber optics
Fiber optics were created in the 1970s, and by the mid-1980s the advantages of bandwidth and distance capabilities exploded. Because of those benefits it became less expensive than copper or any other option out there at the time. Fiber optic transmission is faster, results in less attenuation, and are impervious to electromagnetic interference. Also, this cabling does not break as easily as copper. The fiber cables are a dream come true for greater bandwidth needs. If you don’t have fiber cables, this may be why old cable is slowing down your business.
Wireless networks may alleviate a lot of costs since you’re not purchasing cables, approving permits, or paying work crews for installation, insurance or IT magicians to create the best function. However, the downside to this option is the signals degrade with distance. There are still parts of the U.S. that do not have wireless coverage or have spotty coverage. These are typically, but aren’t limited to, rural areas. Wireless may not be the best option for you if you are in a remote space.
With this brief overview of your cabling options, you may have a better idea as to which one is best for your company’s needs. Maybe you now know why old cable is slowing down your business, and you want an upgrade. Whether you’re just starting out or have been an established business for decades, Tri-Tel Technical Services is here to serve you. If you have any questions or would like to know more about your cabling, we would love to speak with you. Let us set you up with the best cabling, so that you can spend more time growing your business.